Jodi Ferrier
Jodi: I’ve always liked working with the youth population, especially teens. As a social worker I enjoy being able to reach out and help guide teenagers on a positive path to adulthood. It is very rewarding to see the results of these efforts as youth transition from teen to successful adult.
What does the Lake of the Woods County Prevention Coalition do?
Jodi: The Lake of the Woods Prevention Coalition is here to offer support to the adults and youth in our community regarding underage drug, tobacco and alcohol use. We hope to educate the community on what problems exist, and to help offer solutions for making our community a safer place for teens.
Do you feel the Coalition and its strategies will, in fact, accomplish its vision of creating a community culture that empowers youth to be alcohol, tobacco and drug free? Why?
Jodi: Yes I do. I think that it all starts with education. If our coalition can be successful at presenting this information to the Lake of the Woods Community, I do feel that changes will be made. Most people make the right choices. Most people are good parents and want what is good for their children and others. I think that this coalition can help make this idea the ‘norm’ in our community; because I honestly think that this is how most people would want to conduct themselves in the first place.
If underage drinking is reduced in our county, how can/will that affect our community now and in the future?
Jodi: Overall this will create a stronger community. Underage drinking and drug use can be the stepping stone for numerous other community problems.
What are you most looking forward to learning over the next five years through your involvement in the coalition?
Jodi: I’m looking forward to learning more about using my job and role in this agency to have a positive, lasting effect on teens and youth. I love the idea of positivity and want to learn more about how I can apply that in my day-to-day dealings with teens.
Keeping in mind what you know so far, what has impressed you or intrigued you most about the grant and its strategies?
Jodi: I’m impressed with the very extensive, sound research that has been done to back this whole program. Honestly, I was surprised. The staff from the Montana State University’s Center for Health and Safety Culture really has some cutting edge ideas and teaching theories that fit so well with the mission of this grant. It’s been very interesting to learn how all of this is tying together – and I am certainly intrigued with the complexity of this entire grant and all of its different components.